Lou // Portrait // Hangin' 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 // Then & Now // Epilogue // Colophon |
![]() Where are we now?Haven't finished this page yet. It will hold current pix, short bios, addresses and e-mail contacts and Web sites of ex-staffers. I winged it for the couple I was reasonably sure about, but please send more info on yourselves -- jz. Cindy Carr Whitcomb '82 cwhitcomb@gaylord.org Barb Jatkola '79 jatkola@banet.net Kathy Martin '78 Flying the friendly skies of United in the pilot's seat of 727s -- from mass comm to mass transit. Katie Sequerth Meyer '80 him@bellsouth.net John Sequerth '77 jsequerth@ups.com Helping UPS excel at delivering boxes of yearbooks. Mike Thompson '80 mikethompsondc@aol.com Mike has been all over the map since 1980. California, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Hampshire again, Rhode Island, Maryland, and, lastly, Washington, D.C., since 1998. He's happily settled in DC with his partner, Ralph. And don't ask about jobs and/or careers -- editing, social work, political activism...geeessh, too many to list--but life has a way of coming full circle. In 2000, Mike came out of his self-imposed exile from editing; he's been busily working for himself as a freelancer and is very happy with his decision. Jean Trevarton Ehman jehman@sbu.edu Oh-leen, NY Jean, who shared her freshman year with some of us, finally broke John Sequerth's record for number of years on campus. Now nearing the quarter-century mark with the university, she has advanced from teaching journalism courses to work involving student counseling and career development. Her husband, John, is maintenance director at the university. Lou
Waryncia '81 Jerome married his longtime
sweetheart, Teresa, and is owner/manager of the family's Bells Food Center
in Albion. They have three sons: Rion, Joseph and Kevin. |
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